Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Thoughts:Growing in Grace (2 Peter 3:18)

2 Peter 3:18 " ...Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

Marks of Maturing as a Christian
  1. Greater desire to study the Scriptures
  2. Constant attitude of prayer
  3. Interest in the salvation of others
  4. Desire to glorify God
  5. Careful speech
  6. Desire to be natural
  7. Charity with faults and failures of others
  8. Maturing interests
  9. Realism in limiting desires
  10. Recognition of the spiritual
  11. Pressing toward a goal
  12. Creativity
*The goal of every growing Christian is to become like God.
*If grace is a gift (Eph. 2:8-10), what should we do with it?
*Dr. Spirozoahiates "Grace is like God's power generator, and we are like the conduits which carry His power to its intended purposes by the Holy Spirit."
*Are we then to be conduits of God's grace to others since they are not aware of God's unmerited favor except through us?
*How can we show God's grace toothers?
*Does growing in grace mean that we increasingly recognize what God has done and is doing for us therefore we work to transfer that knowledge to others?

Building a Life
  • Setting a foundation
    • Salvation
  •  Putting up the shell (There has to be a solid structure) 
    • Sanctification (holiness)
      • What is it?
      • Why should we desire it?
  • Doing the finish work
    • Growth in grace
    • Wiring for electrical power (Baptism in the Holy Spirit)
  • Furnishing the building
    • Acting on what we have learned
  • Having an Open House
    • Inviting others into the experience
*Jesus said I am the vine you are the branches--bear fruit
  • By their fruit you will know them. How is your fruit growing?
  • Where else does it talk about fruit?
    • Gal 5:22
  • How could these fruit references be associated with growing in grace? 
    • In Gal. 5 Paul gives a list of what the acts of the sinful nature are. A kind of don't do this list, but he also gives a list of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
    • Read Gal. 5:16-26
  • How do we keep in step with the Spirit?
  • Do any of us have "growth plans"? 
    • Where do you want to be a year from now in your Christian walk?
  • What are "growing pains" like for the Christian?