Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Query: How does the Anti-Terrorism Act impact us?

During the time we were hearing so much about Osama Bin Laden, President Bill Clinton passed into law the Anti-Terrorism Act. This Act defines as illegal and worthy of punishment any actions that "appear to be intended toward violence or activities which could intimidate or coerce a civilian population; or to influence the policy of a government."

I have been thinking about what that could mean. Would that mean that some of the activities we have been hearing about in the news, would fall under the Act? Black Lives Matter, for example, might be considered to be "intended toward violence or activities which could intimidate or coerce a civilian population". Also, included may be those who are upset about the new North Carolina law concerning LGBT people. I'm sure if any of us think just a little, we could come up with instances that could fall under the purview of this Act. It also concerns me that the Act could be used to take away whatever is left of our Constitutional rights by labeling something as Terrorism.

What do you think? What might be the implications?If I don't see everything your way, could you accuse me of being a terrorist? Could groups of people, intent on protesting whatever, be considered terrorists? Could this be interpreted to mean that a person with an unpopular opinion be seen as trying to influence the policy of government? Lots of questions here, people and some of the answers are downright frightening.

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