Sunday, May 1, 2022

In the Last Days there will be Prophecies, Dreams, Visions...

 "In the last days there will be those who prophecy, dream dreams and see visions." We read this both in Joel and Acts. There is no question we are in the last days, but there are some questions about the prophets, dreams and visions. The Old Testament prophets had a strong bent toward calling the people to repentance and returning to following God. Those who claim to be prophets today mostly resemble reading a horoscope or getting a "reading" from a medium, those things we are warned to avoid. I am not saying that God doesn't tell us what to expect, but where is the call to repentance? If Jeremiah were alive today, I'm sure he would have some strong words for the church. I'm also sure there are some of the prophecies/dreams/visions that truly are from God, but it has almost become a fad to say, "God gave me this word." Why are there suddenly a plethora of those "hearing from God?" When we become filled with the Holy Spirit God said He would speak to us directly. Why do we seek out these "prophets" to get a "word from the Lord"? Are these people a smoke screen sent by Satan to distract us from what the Holy Spirit is actually saying to us? Maybe like in Jeremiah's day, we would choose to listen to the false prophets over the true because they speak words we want to hear. "Repent and return to Me" is not a comfortable thing to hear as we would rather hear wonderful things are coming. Refusing to hear truth doesn't make it any less true. Believing a lie over truth because we don't like the truth can get us into so much trouble.

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