Monday, June 10, 2024

Henri Nouwen New Age and the Church Today


A while back I noted a quote in the bulletin by Henry Nouwen. I am concerned that the one who used the quote may not realize that Henry Nouwen was a Catholic Mystic who was a proponent of the New Age philosophy of contemplative spirituality, contemplative prayer, and universalism.

Perhaps one of the biggest battles the church is encountering today is against the infiltration of New Ageism. Many pastors do not realize how prevalent this issue is. We are being bombarded with teachings such as the Word of Faith idea that we are all little gods, Bethel Church’s endorsement of “ spirit” boards which are just Ouija boards with a Christian label, and “Angel” cards which are tarot cards with a Christian label. Believers are being encouraged to seek the experiential over the hard work of Biblical study. Unfortunately, instead of building a strong base of Biblical knowledge, those who seek an experiential experience find that the experience in itself has an addictive quality. The modern church, to become more culturally relevant, has embraced some New Age practices with open arms. I'm sure that there is a certain amount of naivete within these churches. Most would not realize that through music, rhythm, repetition, lighting, and special effects they are opening their congregations to altered states of consciousness, manipulation, and mind control. Also, Christian colleges are known to promote the practice of walking the labyrinth, a contemplative prayer exercise. Under the guise of exercise, yoga has been introduced into many churches. This Hindu practice of venerating Hindu gods and goddesses through exercise poses (asanas) does not belong in our churches.

The sad thing is that there are prominent spiritual leaders who are knowingly or unknowingly leading the sheep to enter the fold of the enemy. Rick Warren and Billy Graham are prominent proponents of ecumenism to name only two. There are so many false prophets and teachers and, it seems, more come to the front every day.

Currently, under the guise of patriotism, the Reawaken America rallies that have been happening over the last few years disguise Dominionism/Kingdom Now teachings. In addition to those teachings, some of the presenters have brought their New Age philosophy to the stage. For example. Scott McKay and Sasha Stone drop the words “the Christ consciousness” and “becoming ascendant” quite often. Amanda Grace channels her words of prophecy (seeking revelatory knowledge outside of the Bible is a dangerous path to trod) and Michael Flynn led those at a rally into a prayer almost word for word from the Mystic Elizabeth Claire Prophet, referencing the 7 Points of Light which comes straight from Theosophy.

Books, like The Shack, Jesus Calling, and A Course in Miracles have been used as study guides in various churches. The first espouses God as being a mother figure and the concept of universalism and the other two are books channeled by spirits. The television program “The Chosen”, while claiming to present the “authentic Jesus” surreptitiously presents a Mormon Jesus with Roman Catholic overtones (definitely not the Jesus of the Bible).

As believers, we need to get into the habit of defining terms when we're faced with what appears to be a new and exciting concept. For example, when the Mormons say they believe in Jesus, if we don't ask them to define their Jesus, we will not see that their Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer and the Jehovah's Witnesses see Jesus as the Archangel Michael. The New Age definition of at-one-m
ent is not our definition of atonement but rather becoming one with the Christ consciousness, the God within us. The yoga greeting “namaste” is not merely a greeting. It is literally saying, “The God within me bows to the God within you”.

Believers today have a great responsibility to use discernment, research, and to be Bereans in searching the Scriptures to see that what they are encountering is of God. With only 11% of Americans reading their Bibles daily and just 6% having a Biblical worldview, it is easy to see how many are being influenced to head down a deceptive path.

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