Sunday, April 17, 2022

The Giant We Face Called Fear

 Of all the giants we face in life, fear is the biggest. If you remove fear all the other giants are easier to control. Why do you think that the verse that says, "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (self-control)" only mentions fear? God wants us to be clear that fear is not from Him. "Perfect love casts out fear". God is love and He works to remove fear. Now, that doesn't mean you should jump off a building to show you have no fear. When Satan told Jesus to jump off the Temple roof because the Bible says, "He gives His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways", Jesus did not jump. To jump would have been arrogance. As soldiers we should go into the battle confidently, yet we still need to wear our armor. Having no fear does not mean we should not be prepared. 

We cannot defeat the giant of fear on our own. We need to take the power, love and self-control that God offers. The opposite of fear is faith. The question we should be asking is why it is easier to fear than to have faith?

Think about this, psychologists will tell you that 90% of all illnesses are psychosomatic (in our mind), now if I wish to control you, I introduce a suggestion, perhaps as a TV ad for a certain drug that "cures" a relatively unknown illness. You see this ad several times over the course of watching TV and after each ad it mentions that "doctors recommend". They do not, however list which doctors. Sure, they may list several side effects, but those are sandwiched between the "good" parts. It won't be long before lots of people are being diagnosed with whatever this drug purports to cure. Sometimes people specifically go to their doctor to try to obtain the drug, convinced that they have the mystery illness. The ad has introduced fear and then "just happened" to have the cure. It most likely will be packaged as being "good" for you. Little by little you can be convinced to take poison, under the impression it is helping, while it is actually killing you. We don't ask questions because we think the doctors, government and Big Pharma are working for our good. Granted, sometimes it really is for our good, but in many cases, they are conditioning and controlling us through fear toward the goal of another agenda which may be mind and population control. Those who don't die become enslaved mentally and/or physically, some believing they must have their particular drug. What if I threatened to take the drug away? What might the person do to get the drug? Anything. 

Are we being controlled? You bet!!

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