Sunday, April 10, 2022

Thoughts: The word "press"


A series of words that "press" is the base word: 

  • Depress-to push down
  • Suppress-push into hiding
  • Impress-press mark on/ conform
  • Pressure- a firm push/force
  • Repress- to not allow something, especially feelings; to control what people do, especially using force
  • Depression
  • Impression
  • Suppressant
  • Express- push out
  • Oppress- to govern people in an unfair and cruel way preventing them from having opportunities and freedom
Romans 12:2 Do not allow the world to pressure, depress, impress, suppress, conform you into its mold. A mold works to make all pieces alike, easier to control. Some many say they wish to express their individuality yet end up becoming/doing what everyone else does. Peer pressure is used by worldly forces to take the valuable gift of free will from us. Without free will we lose the ability to choose or to consider that there may be a loving God who wants more for us than for us to live as an automaton. Without free will we become robots withing the world system. It certainly seems as though our today's government/society is using forms of the word "press" to control and manipulate us. Is that what we want? What are we doing to resist? Consider that the pressure may begin as something which we rationalize is not a big deal, but over time, becomes intense. When the pressure is increased in small increments, one day we awaken to find that what we would have never allowed is indeed become a part of our daily life. An example may be, "two weeks to stop the spread" and two years later where are we, and what has been added?

666 breaks down to making God in our image (humanism), removing man's soul and making man into the equivalent of a beast. The mark of the beast may be more than an individual who sets up a world system. Could it also be a wresting away of our spiritual side? What do you think would make the devil happy? I submit that he would find joy in causing whoever he is able to get to experience the same judgement he knows is coming for him and his cohorts. He knows he cannot win against Almighty God, but he CAN do as much damage as possible on the way to his demise.

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